The effects of the opioid crisis are being felt by healthcare organizations around the United States. Whether you are a small clinic or a large multi-specialty hospital, the appropriate management of opioids is a new found challenge for your organization. During this webinar, Dr. Halena Gazelka, Chair of the Mayo Clinic Opioid Stewardship Program and a recognized national leader on opioid stewardship will share the work and projects currently underway at a national level as well as at the Mayo Clinic to help address these challenges. Dr. Gazelka will describe the organizational structure and current and past projects related to opioid stewardship, as well as innovations, challenges, and future work in this area.
Management Engineering and Consulting (ME&C) collaborates with Dr. Gazelka and colleagues on a variety of projects and initiatives to help improve opioid stewardship. Dr. Gazelka will be joined by Todd Ingram, ME&C Project Manager, to describe the important role of project management in helping to manage the portfolio of projects related to opioids. Danny Whipple, ME&C Senior Health System Engineer, will join the conversation to discuss an important opioid project involving the surgical practice at Mayo Clinic.
Key takeaways from this webinar:
- Mayo Clinic's leadership and support to address the opioid crisis at a national level.
- Review the medical/administrative leadership and governance necessary for the creation of a national opioid stewardship program.
- Share information about a data-driven development process on opioid prescription guidelines.
Just 15 minutes away from today's webinar -- looking forward to Dr. Gazelka's comments
And we are underway -- still time to watch -- link to Dr Gazelka's bio at --
Now it's my colleague and friend, Todd Ingram, Management Engineering and Consulting -- see more on ME&C at
Project Mgmt -- such an important piece of the team addressing such a big issue..
A link to the ProSci website mentioned by Todd -- --
Prescribing process for medications / opioids is complicated .. nice flow diagram to show how to be successful..