
This podcast features Janine Kamath, chair of the Department of Management Engineering & Consulting (ME&C) and […]

By Chelsea Schultz • July 16, 2020

Medical experts consider expanded contact tracing a critical component of dealing with the Corona Virus.   […]

By Chelsea Schultz • July 7, 2020

Julie M. Baughn, MD, Hannah G. Lechner, MHA, Daniel L. Herold, RPSGT,  Virginia A. Brown, […]

By Chelsea Schultz • March 24, 2020

Authors: Cramer, Angela; Fjerstad, Eva; Frye, Jim; Macken, Carrie; Schilling, Keith Source: Management in Healthcare, […]

By Chelsea Schultz • March 24, 2020

Authors: Borgwardt, Heidi L.1; Botz, Catherine T.2; Doppler, Julie M.1; Elthon, Brenda I.1; Hansen, Victoria P.1; Jasperson, Jan C.1; Larson Keller, Jeffrey […]

By Chelsea Schultz • March 24, 2020

MedicalLab Management, Volume 8 / Number 7 / July-August 2019 Nicole K. Hanf, MA; Aaron […]

By Chelsea Schultz • September 26, 2019

Management in Healthcare, Volume 3 / Number 4 / Summer 2018-19, pp. 329-338(10) Nelson, Suzanne; Barclay, […]

By Chelsea Schultz • September 26, 2019

Journal of Palliative Medicine 2016 Jun;19(6):652-5 Feely MA1, Swetz KM1, Zavaleta K2, Thorsteinsdottir B3, Albright […]

By Chelsea Schultz • August 28, 2018

Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 2017 May; 11(3): 499–505. Angela M. Cramer, MHA,1 Patricia […]

By Chelsea Schultz • August 28, 2018

Joint Commission Journal on Quality & Patient Safety 2017; 43:138–145 Robert R. Cima, MD, MA, Sarah R. […]

By Chelsea Schultz • August 28, 2018